lili drummer

Lili’s heARTbeat.

Yes, ’cause Lili paints, Lili sings, Lili dances and from today finally Lili realizes the dream of being able to play an instrument and create her own music.

After having tried first with the guitar and then with the piano, with not very brilliant results, thanks to the precious advice of my dear friend Marco, whom I will never stop thanking, I took courage and threw myself headlong into this new adventure.

And this page will be my container for my improvisations as well as exercises, ’cause I really start from the beginning; I don’t have the technique yet, but I certainly have the passion and above all a sense of rhythm that constantly accompanies me and which, thanks to my beautiful electronic drums, I’ll now be able to express in this which is undoubtedly an Art form too .

On this page I will collect the audio tracks, recorded over time, sure that by listening to them again in the future they’ll mark my path of improvement; at the moment the quality is not optimal, I record with means of luck, but I plan to become familiar with an appropriate software that will allow me to capture good quality audio and maybe over time even be able to play on one of my favorite songs 

All I have to do is to invite you to put on your headphones, click here and listen to my heart beating in time!
