Lune della Vita
Lune della Vita
Verso la Luce
Verso la Luce
A cuore aperto
A cuore aperto
7 vite come i gatti
7 vite come i gatti
Lune della Vita
Verso la Luce
A cuore aperto
Sette vite come i gatti

If there’s one thing I’ve always loved, it’s WRITING.

I remember that at the age of 9, as a gift for my First Communion, I received a secret diary as a gift, complete with a lock and key to open it. Since then, perhaps because of that “protection”, for that notebook that couldn’t be read and written except with its key, writing has become precious for me, because through words I’m able to bring out what I have inside, to tell my inner emotional experience but also everything practical that happens to me in life, events, instants, moments, which all together form that puzzle called Existence.

So, writing a book is much more than just writing: if you decide to do it, to start this long journey, you do it also because you want someone to read it, to participate in your words, and therefore in your thoughts.

A book you write is like a notebook with a padlock, everyone can have the key but it will be up to them to know how to use it, especially to read what is not written in that book, especially to be able to read between the lines.

I started writing poems already in elementary school, some of which even gave me the satisfaction of winning some small literary recognition, and I collected them all in my first volume, which I titled “Moons of Life“.

A few decades later, with the explosion in my life of an event that completely upset, overturned, regenerated it, I wrote “Toward the Light – our wonderful battle“, which contains a copy of my diary pages written every day in that period, the darkest ever, but from which I managed to come out thanks to my family, my children and thanks to myself, that I never stopped believing in it for a second.

Finally, “Open hearted” which proudly bears a title suggested to me by my son Giuseppe and on the cover one of my paintings (Woman from behind). A collection of thoughts, reflections, from heart to pen, without filters.

And last but not least, “Seven lives like cats”, another small volume that contains my thoughts, the result of an intensely lived life, always in the making.

My Soul laid bare for those who will be able to read it.

Click on the name of the book if you want to find out more 🙂

Enjoy the reading!