I’ve always loved art!
Whether it was writing poetry, painting or singing, ever since I was a child I’ve always immersed myself in the world of words and colors, a unique world where you can freely express yourself by giving space to what you have inside, without rules or filters.
Today, as an adult, I continue my wonderful journey of introspection, carving out moments, in the hectic day, where you can take a sheet and a pen. Or brushes.
Because basically a white sheet is just like a virgin canvas: both of them are a world that can explode.
The immense Michelangelo said:
“I saw the angel in the marble and I sculpted it until I freed it”
In white canvas I see a mirror, on which ae reflected intimate parts of me, waiting to come out.
For this reason, as I love writing, I created my blog; I invite you to take a tour, and if you come up with something to tell me, a proposal to make or details to change, leave a message on the Write me page, I’ll be happy to hear from you!