… caress you like you pet your cats.

It is February 14th.

It’s Valentine’s Day.

It is the party of lovers, some say.

So be it! I don’t wanna make the usual controversy about the absurdity of the holidays, etc. etc., today is certainly a day that must be lived under the banner of sincere feelings, goodness and being together.

Especially in a period like this, where they force us not to touch each other, not to hug each other, where human warmth is dispersed in the ether, it’s important to take care of Love; and it’s important to take care of ourselves and the people we love. And also of our little pets!

I put their photo because, in my opinion, the love of animals is what comes closest to Love with a capital L: it’s love without pretensions, without expectations, free love. It’s the same what you feel towards them: you never get tired of them, you constantly look for them, if you don’t see them you miss them, and even if they stay a little aside, detaching themselves momentarily from you, you love them the same way.

This is the reason for today’s title: because if you can feel the same desire to be together with your sweetheart, to share, to respect even his absences, then your life will also be more beautiful to live.

Let’s love each other today, and let’s love each other every day.

Stay in love, stay blogging!

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